
Raising Queens in The Land of Peasants

Photo by Bestbe Models on Pexels.com

Raising a girl to become a great woman of the world is a hard job and one that comes with great responsibility. In today’s world where looks play a vital role in how women are viewed how do you raise a girl into a queen who brings more to the table than just looks or a banging body? Raising girls challenge you in every way from teaching them to be strong and independent but also keeping their soft sensual side. Teaching them that brains are just as important as beauty but not getting lost when you don’t fit into societies mold of what beauty is. Helping the girl turn into a beautiful queen is laborious when at every turn she challenges your every move. This is a job for only the strong and only a queen can turn a girl into something that not only a man will love and adore but that the world will be captivated by.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

I’m raising a daughter and there are so many things I need to teach her before she is ready for this world and ready to call herself a queen. I need to teach her things like how to sit properly when she has on a dress/skirt. How to speak up for herself but not seem demanding or overbearing. She needs to learn to be independent but still understand you can always ask for help and will always need people. She will learn things that are small but still important like how to apply makeup appropriately for the occasion and how to select the correct undergarment for the outfit you are wearing or something as small as the difference between dressing for business causal to cocktail occasions. All these things seem small and useless until you are a woman navigating the world and have never been taught these things. How many times have we seen a woman who has on inappropriate undergarments for what she is wearing or shows up to an event that requires after five attire in a sundress and we wonder why she doesn’t know any better? these are things that you must be taught and not only taught but demonstrated. As the mother to a soon to be queen I must teach and demonstrate all these things and more. My jobs as her mother and mentor has been and will continue to be for years to come to teach the young queen(my daughter) and help her to understand why we do these things not “just because I say so”.

I must also teach the young queen about men and how to deal with men. This job will also require the help of a man whether it’s her father, grandfather, uncle, brother, or any GREAT man that is in her life or all the above. As a woman there are aspects of the man I can’t teach, don’t understand and can’t show from a man’s perspective. We as women feel we can do it all, but we can’t some tools we just don’t possess. When picking the man to help lead the young queen he must have a certain character. This must be a man who carries himself as a king just like the queen you can’t raise royalty if you are less than. He must teach and lead with the qualities that you would one day want your daughter to find in a man or mate that she will one day share her life with. He also must lead by example of what a man should be. He needs to demonstrate to the young queen how a man treats a woman based on how he treats the women in his life, he needs to show her how a man leads his family and commands attention in the world. Now that you have an example of what a great king is for the soon to be queen now you must teach her how to command a mans attention. When raising a young queen in this world of half-naked, change your body, put on too much makeup and false hair women. We need to teach the queen how to command a man’s attention without demeaning herself. Teach her to have great self-esteem and love her beauty that was given to her and to accept her flaws because that’s what sets her apart from other queens. I will teach my daughter that a man is naturally attracted to women (if that’s his sexual choice) without anything extra so be yourself carry yourself with dignity, pride and respect and he will be captivated by you. Yes, men love the women who show everything and give away sex so easy but “anything worth having is worth waiting for” (author unknown). I will teach my daughter that a king/great man will want a great woman as his wife. Not the woman on Instagram showing off her assets and posing with her ass out. He does not want a wife that everyone in the world has had and can compare notes about. How can he treat you as a queen when you are laying with the peasants?

I want to raise my young queen to grow into an independent great queen who makes her own rules, money, and decisions in life. I will teach her that marriage is not required but preferred because sharing your life with a partner who is your best friend, confidant and lover makes life more manageable and happy. She will understand that independence does not exclude your partner it just means you don’t have to depend exclusively on your partner. She will also be able to look at herself every day and see greatness. This does not mean she will not see her flaws it just means she will embrace them as something that makes her different. As a great queen she will be taught to look at other women and be confident and comfortable enough in herself to compliment and except another woman’s greatness without feeling threaten. She will be willing to give compliments to another woman and be genuine with her compliments. My young queen will learn to exude sensuality without the need of showing off things that should be left to the imagination. She will have a great personality that will attract friends and people who will be happy to be in her presence and follow her lead in the world. To be a queen you must be a great leader not follower and people have to love and respect you in order to follow you.

So how do you raise your queen with all these great qualities? You must first post possess these qualities yourself. A person can’t teach great character if you have none yourself. Second you must lead by example. Show your young queen that you are not only teaching her these things, but you are her biggest example. Kids learn the most by emulating what they see. You as her mother her example and her queen can’t lead with the mind set ” do as I say not as I do” or “I’m grown you can’t do what I do” If you want her to become great lead a great example and exude confidence and greatness. I hear so many moms correct their children because they do things that are wrong like cursing, hitting, yelling to have their way etc.. but you do the same and they have learned from you this is the way to handle things because mom handles things this way. You must as the example practice what you preach, and I know it’s hard but as I said at the beginning this is not a job for the weak. now that you are leading by example it takes a village so remember to only allow people in your village who are following what you teach to have contact with the young queen. In royalty only the elite are allowed in the inner circle and you must think this way no bad examples should be allowed to be set for the young queen. Now I understand you have no control of the outside world and the contact it will have with your child but control what you can and when she steps outside the home, she will know how to conduct herself and who and what is worth her attention and what’s not. Provide your daughter with the best neighborhoods, schools, and activities that you can so you can feel that when she steps outside of your care, she is in the best that can be provided for her. If you provide all these things and the right upbringing the young queen will know she can come to you for advice or questions when she encounters things she doesn’t understand or things that are different then what she has been taught. You must also remember to listen to her when she speaks and use every moment to teach and nurture her mind. Understand what you are not willing to teach the outside world will. What you are not willing to talk about or listen to someone else is and they might give false information. Allow your daughter to experience as much as she can from travel, foreign languages, cultures, religions, music, books, etc… because the more she experience in the world the more she will understand and be able to relate to. How can you lead and have others follow if you only experience a small portion of what’s in the world? Let the young queen have the freedom to express herself within age appropriate boundaries don’t allow her to grow to fast (it’s painful). I tell my daughter all the time ” you have a small amount of life as a child and a large amount as an adult, be a child enjoy the kid side as long as possible”

Now that your queen has all the tools to become a great queen watch her grow and become a queen that you can be proud of and marvel at all that she has to offer the world. Watch as she falls in love and have a man/woman that will appreciate everything that she has to offer as a wife, friend and person. Watch as she creates her own lanes in life and mold the world to fit her greatness. You will beam with pride as your queen steps into your shoes as the queen, teacher, provider, and great woman of the world and you will be proud to say you help to conceive greatness. Love to all the queens in the world and to those who are up and coming.

“The woman who does not require validation from anyone is the most feared individual on the planet.”-Mohadesa Najumi

“She is water. Powerful enough to drown you soft enough to cleanse you deep enough to save you.”-unknown

Love you guys and hope you enjoyed the post-this is for my young queen-love you more than words!!


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