
New Year-New You

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

So, 2019 is ending. It’s an end to a year and an end to a decade, but for most, it will also be an end to many other things. The new year should be a time to look back, reflect and learn from all the lessons given and to rejoice from all the blessings received. You have spent 325 days learning, giving, receiving, having highs and lows and now for the next few days left in this year reflect on what you have learned, what you need to learn, and what you hope to gain and release going into a new year. This new year is a little different because it’s also the end of a decade. So not only are we reflecting on 365 days we should be looking over the last 10 years or 3650 days. I get it that’s a long time a lot to reflect on but if you are like me you keep a journal so it’s a little easier to reflect. If you don’t journal but are like most people nowadays you keep pictures which is like photo journaling so you can use those photos to help reflect. If you do neither just take a quiet day or two when you are alone and sit and think of the last 10 years and what you have been through and what you have learned, loss, and received. Reflecting on the last year or 10 years will help to prepare you for the next year or 10 years it will help you set goals it is like drawing a map of where to go and how to drive for the next journey. So, this is an important step before the year starts. I know we all want to drink, relax, eat and be merry but how can you take a journey without a map of where to go.

The ending of this year and decade as I said will bring a close to many chapters in your life, but it will also start new chapters and bring new exciting adventures. Unfortunately for me many people or things will not make it to this next chapter for the new adventures that lie ahead. I believe in spring cleaning before the year starts and when I say spring cleaning I’m not speaking on my closet. I believe in letting go of people and things that were not healthy, supportive, and or productive to my journey. So, this is a great time to delete people from your phone, social media sites, and your life who are unimportant because they are not contributing to your mental, physical or emotional wellbeing. These people are the ones who are never your cheerleaders just your naysayers or the ones who always want to speak on the negative things in their life and yours when you speak with them. They are the gossipers the ones who have nothing going for themselves, but they always want to give you all the advice. We should leave these people in the past there is no room in your future for people who are not up to cheer for your next adventure or give supportive advice or just understand that sometimes all we need is good vibes, not negative ones. I don’t want to hear about how much your life sucks, or who did what with who, or “woe is me” every time I speak with you. Say something positive. I believe in speaking things into existence. So, speak on what you want to will into your world. This also goes for things like your job or events you attend. If those things don’t help only hurt your mental, physical and emotional wellbeing leaving them in the past. Find a new job, say no to events you don’t want to attend (and you do not have to give a reason, NO is enough), stop buying things you don’t need and that not contributing to your future and save for things that will.

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

This post is not all about leaving people and things behind it’s also about start new. A new year and a new decade should bring grand new adventures. I’m looking forward to all the new things 10 years will bring for me. In the next ten years, I will watch my child start high school and graduate I will also watch her meet great milestones in her life. I will hopefully purchase my first home, travel overseas, and reach my 40-yr old milestone. There will also be many adventures in between that I cannot foresee and plenty of challenges to overcome and learn from but the blessing in it all is that 1. I’m alive to do it and see it. 2. I will have great family and friends by my side to experience it all. 3. Life is what you make it. It can be an adventure full of ups and downs or Hell with torment and sorrow you make it what you want. I believe we write our own life story and your story can be as exciting as you want or as miserable as you want. For me, I want a love story with a little adventure and very little horror/mystery.

There are things I also wish we could leave in this year/decade so I compiled a list that I would like to see stay in the past of 2019

Things I do not want to see in the new year/decade

1. People using the speaker on their cell phone in public while yelling into the phone at the highest level they can achieve. no one cares to hear your conversation and its very rude. I don’t care that you own the phone you don’t own the space. Try to be respectful of others.

2. Donald John Trump. Now I don’t care what your political stance is I’m just sick of hearing his name on TV, Radio and social media every time I want to just scroll mindless for a few minutes or enjoy music or tv. (please leave him in this decade!)

3. Reality TV. I’m over it was good for a decade. Can we leave it behind now? Can we go back to normal shows with fake characters (that we know are fake) and decent plotlines? I don’t need another show making someone a star or people fighting over the same guy/girl because where they are from its a shortage of the opposite sex. Just good shows you can watch as a family’s and hope that you don’t need to send your kid out of the room because the show will turn into soft porn or a cussing fest mid-show. Bring back TGIF shows.

4. Mumble Rap and Singers. Maybe I am getting old and my hearing is going but I swear every time I turn on the radio on the people rapping or singing was never taught to enunciate their words properly in Elementary school because I can never understand what’s being said and when I look up the lyrics I’m like “it’s no way that’s what they are saying”

5. Social Media lies. I hope we leave behind the fake lives of social media where everyone has perfect families perfect bodies and travel every day to the most exotic places on the globe. People look at these people and try to live up and compare themselves to what they are seeing on social media, but those images are as fake as a reality tv show. You are getting a snipped (that has a filter and has been edited many times) of someone’s life it is not the whole picture. You are not seeing the struggles, pain, sacrifice, and work that was put in to have this small snipped of their life.

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

So it’s a new year another chapter in your book of life. Make it great. Write and create the life you want we only get one chance to write this story so make it bold, beautiful and full of the things you want and love. Don’t waste this new year and new decade with things and people that don’t mean you well. Eat better so your story can last longer. Friend/relationship better so your story can be enjoyable with great people. Do things that make you happy stop spending so much time just working and building and never enjoying. Read, write, travel, connect/reconnect, exercise, create and enjoy the journey.

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